Cria Kit
Be sure to have a lawn chair, some rope, and a camera on hand. Sit in the chair, tie yourself to the chair so you don't unnecessarily interfere, and take all the pictures you'd like! Witnessing a birth is truly an amazing and wonderful event.
Bathroom Scale (for weighing cria so you don’t have to remove cria from the pasture). Digital doesn’t work well in sunlight
2 Baby Bottles & Nipples
Frozen Colostrum (powered replacer vs supplement if you can’t get frozen)
Frozen Camelid Plasma
Garbage Bags (for placenta & dirty towels)
Clean, Dry Towels
Rubber Exam Gloves
OB Gloves
Betadine Surgical Scrub
List of Helpful Phone Number’s (Vet, Mentor)
Cell Phone/Portable Phone
Cria Birth Record
Paper & Pen
Film Canister or Empty, Clean Pill Bottle (fill with iodine to dip umbilical cord)
7% Iodine (to dip umbilical cord)
Heavy String or Shoe Lace & Wide Mouth Jar (put iodine & string/lace in jar, use string/lace as an umbilical clamp if needed)
Lubricant (OB Jelly)
Hair Blower
Pen Light
Finger Nail Clippers
Stainless Steel Bucket
Aspirator (to suck out mouth or nose)
Enema Syringe
4” x 4” Gauze Pads