A What? An Alpaca? What's That?
Alpacas are a lifestyle choice with excellent financial and tax benefits. As more and more people are discovering, raising alpacas can add a page to family life that many find to be just what they were looking for in terms of easy lifestyle, fun, and lucrative income. Raising alpacas is a labor of love and an escape from a fast-paced urban lifestyle. The joy, ease of care, and potential profitability of raising alpacas has attracted people from many walks of life. For some, alpacas are a primary source of income, for others a part-time business, but a source of pure pleasure for both. This peaceful, stress-free lifestyle is made possible since alpacas can be raised on a relatively small number of acres, they are safe, clean, quiet, intelligent, and disease resistant. Alpacas produce the most luxurious fleece, have soft padded feet, and are extremely gentle on the land (environmentally friendly). And, if that weren’t enough they cost less to feed than the family dog! People around the world are enjoying the financial returns of owning these amazing animals. It is no wonder that alpacas are known as “The World’s Finest Livestock Investment.”